If you could be locked in a room with any three people in the world ever for a day, who would you choose? Katie Price, Wagner off of The X Factor and London Mayor Boris Johnson? Steve Brookstein, Spencer Matthews and one or the other of Jedward, maybe? NAH - you'd say Zayn Malik, Ed Sheeran and Johnny Depp, of course.
Well guess what - it's actually happened. Yup, the Bradford Bad Boy, Ol' Ginger One and Captain Jack Sparrow all hit the studio together in LA yesterday...and there's PICTURE EVIDENCE *scream*.

Right, so we've not gone batsh*t crazy and we are well aware that isn't Edward von Sheeran. It is, in fact, Alexander DeLeon from band The Cab, who posted the snap on Instagram with the caption 'Pirate lessons from the one and only. Thanks for having us, Mr. depp.' [sic].
We don't really know what else to say about the whole situation other than ZAYN MALIK, ED SHEERAN AND JOHNNY DEPP WERE IN A ROOM TOGETHER AND WE LITERALLY SHIP IT. Let's look at them again.
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