Wednesday 14 August 2013

Emblem3 mock Justin Bieber by releasing their own naked picture

Well then. As if it wasn't strange enough when we heard that Justin Bieber randomly dropped in on his poor gran without wearing any clothes and only covering his little Biebs with a guitar, apparently his actions have sparked an even bigger reaction with boyband Emblem3 - who've decided to re-create the picture for giggles.

Yep, the old X Factor USA contestants whipped off their clothes to reveal some insanely buff bodies and snap themselves à la Bieber. Immitation *is* the sincerest form of flattery after all...


Image: Twitter

CHRIST. This is a bit much for a Wednesday evening, ain't it? Let's just start off by saying what we're all thinking - WHY is one of them wearing socks? It's making us feel queasy.

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