Tuesday 24 September 2013

The X Factor previews new 'musical chairs' Bootcamp feature - watch

The X Factor bosses really weren't joking when they said they were changing things up this year, were they? Not only have we seen the reintroduction of THE ROOM (we like to say that in a really over the top ominous voice, try it) but bootcamp's gone and got a revamp too.

Yep, in a teaser released for the bootcamp episodes (which start on Saturday, AGH HOORAY YIPPEE etc.) a new 'musical chair' system is revealed.

x factor musical chairs bootcamp - x factor images - sugarscape.com

Sadly this doesn't seem to involve an actual game of musical chairs, in which anyone left standing when the music stops is told to get out and never darken the X Factor door again.

What is DOES involve is the judges - who have now been informed of their categories - choosing who they want to take to Judges' Houses by telling them to park their bums on a row of six seats set out on the stage. 

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