Friday 29 November 2013

James Arthur has a 'meltdown' over fan backlash and death threats

Acutely exhausted popstar James Arthur's been having a tough time of it lately, hasn't he? Not only has he been EMBROILED in a Twitter-and-text feud with former telly talent show pal Lucy Spraggan and had fans requesting refunds on his album following *those* 'homophobic' comments, but now he's reported to be 'in meltdown' over the whole backlash.

Yup - ahead of his big X Factor homecoming performance this weekend, Jarthur's apparently battling an 'emotional breakdown' after checking his @ replies. Gah.

James Arthur in 'meltdown' - James Arthur images -

A source told The Sun: "James has really been struggling and is not in a good place with everything that has happened. He was distraught after getting death threats online following the rap and needed some time to get himself together.

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