Saturday 16 November 2013

One Direction to perform at the X Factor final in hopes to boost ratings?

Every year it seems as though the rumour mill goes into meltdown over the idea that The X Factor is struggling with their ratings - something our Twitter feeds would find pretty damn hard to believe.

But still, it's happened yet again as apparently Simon Cowell's greatest little creations One Direction will be performing at the X Factor final this year in a bid to get more people tuning in. Yeah, that'll work.

One Direction to perform at The X Factor live final in a bid to boost ratings? - One Direction images -

Yep, apart from the terrible first auditions, X Factor's big finale at Wembley Arena is probably the greatest part of the whole series - and unashamedly, usually that's because of all the pop stars they manage to wrangle in during the big last weekend.  

So naturally, it can only be an amazing thing that the 1D boys will be bringing their spaghetti leg dancing and crotch thrusting to the final for the ruddy third time. Hey, when it works, it works. 

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