Tuesday 25 February 2014

A Great Big World perform 'Say Something' live at Arcadium Studios - Exclusive video

If you haven't had a bit of a blub to A Great Big World and Christina Aguilera's totes emosh duet Say Something yet, what the frick have you been doing with yourself? The tracks been bloody MAHOOSIVE all over the world, what with The X Factor USA's Alex & Sierra doing it and stuff, and now we've got our filthy mitts on an *exclusive* live version. Hoorah.

A Great Big World Say Something acoustic live exclusive video - A Great Big World images - sugarscape.com

Yup - we've been given a shiny new version of the track, sans Aguilera who's busy being engaged and pregnant and stuff, live from Arcadium Studios...and somehow fairy lights and a bit of grainy filming have managed to have us bawling at midday on a Tuesday. 'YOLO'. Check out the vid below.

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