Tuesday 20 August 2013

Film Review: One Direction - This Is Us starring...One Direction

So what's it all about then?

So apparently, in 2010, five boys from various locations across the UK auditioned to The X Factor in the hope of becoming the next Robbie Williams/Gareth Gates/Steve Brookstein. Said boys went by the names of Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Harry Styles and Niall Horan - and unfortunately none of them made it into the solo boys category. Quite sad, really.

But then - so we're told - that thing happened where Simon Cowell gets actual pound signs in his eyes and he decided to form a boyband in the hope that they'd be moderately successful and chuck out a few decent singles. It turns out they were indeed quite popular amongst a select few fans, so director Morgan Spurlock of eating McDonald's for a month fame decided to follow them around with a camera, just in case anyone was interested in seeing it.

One Direction This Is Us

Anyone good in it?

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