Friday 25 October 2013

Simon Cowell raises $1 million for charity singing the Power Rangers theme tune

When soon-to-be babydaddy Simon Cowell's doing the whole judging thing on The X Factor USA, it's all 'It's a no from me' and '195.8% disaster', innit? But has anyone ever stopped to think what Uncle Simon actually sounds like on karaoke himself? Well while we'd always imagined it to be a cross between our auntie's yappy Labradoodle and an electric sander, apparently he's got quite the voice. Not the TV show, though. That'd be weird.

Yup - Si-Cow's managed to raise $1 million for the Friends of Israel Defence Forces charity after the creator of Power Rangers set him a little task. Ooh.

Simon Cowell raises $1 million by singing Power Rangers theme tune - Simon Cowell images -

Haim Saban - the guy behind those kids in crazy-coloured lycra - offered to donate one million actual dollars to the charity if Simon sang the Power Rangers theme tune. And, being the good grey t-shirt-loving sport he is, he obvs did it - singing "Go, go Power Rangers" at a swanky bash.

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