Friday 25 October 2013

The X Factor live shows week 3: song choices for Movie week revealed

Grab the popcorn, lay out the red carpet and let the cameras roll, because the theme for the third X Factor live show 'Movie Week' - meaning they'll all be singing tracks that have featured in films gone by.

Not only that, but the finalists' song choices have been revealed - and there's some *interesting* picks this week. Here's who's singing what, with our thoughts in italics. Because we're nothing if not opinionated.

x factor song choices - x factor images -

Abi Alton: Breakfast At Tiffany’s 'Moon River' - Ooh one for the grandad's ay? Obviously not keen to take a risk after last week's 'La La La' fiasco.

Hannah Barrett: Skyfall’s 'Skyfall' - We imagine this is going to be TRES dramatic. Hoping for a suited-man-pretending-to-be-Bond cameo

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