Friday 1 November 2013

The X Factor live shows week 4: song choices for disco week revealed

Grab your flares, hunt down a massive afro wig and prepare to get funky - because it's disco week on The X Factor this Saturday, and the contestants will be belting out a variety of disco classics.

You don't have to wait until tomorrow night to find out exactly what they're singing either, because the song choice list has been released today - wahoo.

x factor song choices - x factor images -

Here's who's singing what, with our thoughts in italics. Because we're nothing if not opinionated.

Abi Alton: I Will Survive - possibly tempting fate slightly, but a goodie nonetheless.

Hannah Barrett: Somebody Else’s Guy - her first upbeat track since the first live show, will it be enough to keep her out of the bottom two this week?

Kingsland Road: Blame It On The Boogie - SO. MUCH. POTENTIAL FOR HIP THRUSTING.

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